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Publish Sets to share with others

Sharing Typinator sets within your organization streamlines communication and improves efficiency. It ensures consistent, error-free responses by standardizing abbreviations and text expansions. This collaborative approach not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of errors, ultimately contributing to a more productive and professional work environment.

Learn how to accomplish this using Typinator with the following instructions.

Host a set

  1. Create a new Set
  2. Create abbreviations you want to share
  3. Right mouse click on the set you want to share: “Automatic publishing”
  4. Choose the path you want the published set. This should be on a network drive / cloud drive or something where everyone has access
  5. You can also change the update frequency if you like (e.g. every hour,…)
  6. This will create a “.typubset” file on the chosen location and write all changes to this file

Subscribe to a set

  1. Click the + to create a set and chose: “Subscribe to remote set via URL”
  2. Enter the correct path
  3. You can also update the update frequency on this side if you like later on by right clicking on the set and open “Subscription info”
  4. Enjoy the shared set 😉