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Getting started with KeyCue

This guide will assist you in setting up KeyCue and is your first step towards a more efficient workflow. KeyCue isn't just about keyboard shortcuts; it's about creating a personalized experience that fits perfectly with how you work.

Download and customize KeyCue for your needs

Initial Setup

Download and install: Visit our download page to obtain KeyCue and install it on your macOS system. Ensure compatibility with your OS version for optimal performance. Follow the installation prompts to integrate KeyCue into your system.

Configuration Process

Launch and Access Settings: Open KeyCue and navigate to the Settings menu, your gateway to custom configurations.
Define your shortkeys: Switch to the Activation tab and customize your triggers how to open the KeyCue shortcut table.

You've now successfully installed and customized a shortcut to trigger a KeyCue shortcut table. Find out how you can easy access a whole folder content with KeyCue.