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MacOS Compability

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Here you can find all information you need about the compatibility of our products with Apple's latest macOS version. Read through this page to prepare for a painless upgrade to new macOS versions as far as our products PopChar, Typinator, and KeyCue are concerned.

Important information for macOS Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura

The latest versions of our Mac products all work with macOS Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura, but older versions may fail to launch or install. We therefore strongly recommend to use at least the versions listed in the "Minimum requirements" table below.

Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura are more restrictive than Mojave with respect to certain permissions. All our products need special permissions to perform their tasks (Typinator: watching keystrokes and inserting expansions; PopChar: inserting characters in documents; KeyCue: finding menu shortcuts and executing menu commands).

When you launch the applications the first time, you will be asked to give them permissions to "control your computer", to automate other applications, and to monitor input from the keyboard, mouse or trackpad. You need to activate these permissions to allow the applications to do what they have been designed for.

You are all set with the latest versions - read on if you are not up-to-date.

Latest versions are fully compatible

The latest versions of PopChar X (9.4), Typinator (8.13) and KeyCue (10.1) are all fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.10 up to macOS Monterey (12.6).

If you already run Ventura or plan to upgrade soon, please make sure that you have the latest versions of our products installed.

Older versions may need an upgrade

If you are using an older version of one of our products, see the table to the right and the following sections for product-specific information about compatibility and upgrade options.

Minimum requirements for recent MacOS versions

Ventura/Monterey/Big Sur Catalina
Typinator v8.13 or newer v8.3 or newer
PopChar v9.4 or newer v8.10 or newer
KeyCue v9.10 (recommended v10.1) or newer v9.7 or newer

Save time with Typinator

Enter words, sentences, or even entire paragraphs by typing just a few characters. Save time for the really important things in life.